Carrier Management Non-Negotiables

Carrier Management Non-Negotiables
Carrier Management Non-Negotiables

Carrier Management Non-Negotiables

At KAG Logistics, our Carrier Management Team is more than just a support system—they are the backbone of our commitment to safety, efficiency, and accountability. By continuously monitoring carrier performance and upholding stringent standards, our team ensures your freight is always in capable hands. Discover how their dedication makes a difference.

Safety and Compliance

At KAG Logistics, we prioritize the safety and compliance of every load we transport. Our robust technology ensures that only carriers meeting our stringent qualifications are entrusted with your freight. Here’s how we achieve this:

  • Real-time Integration: Our system constantly monitors carrier qualifications. If a carrier loses their operating authority, falls below our safety thresholds, or lets their insurance expire, they are immediately moved to inactive status, preventing them from being tendered a load.
  • Fraud Prevention: We have proactive processes in place to identify fraudulent carriers or potential double brokers, safeguarding your shipments from unreliable entities.
  • High Standards: By maintaining rigorous standards, we ensure that your freight is always handled by reputable carriers.
Rate Management

Our expansive carrier network enables us to provide competitive rates and reliable service. Here’s how we manage rates effectively:

  • Wide Carrier Network: Partnering with thousands of carriers allows us to secure the best rates and offer multiple options for every lane.
  • Cost Efficiency: Our extensive network helps drive down costs while ensuring reliable recovery options if a carrier falls through.
  • Best Value: We leverage our business volume to attract top carriers, ensuring your freight is hauled by the best at the most competitive rates.
Carrier Accountability

Ensuring high standards of service is paramount at KAG Logistics. We hold our carriers accountable through stringent agreements and continuous monitoring:

  • Service Level Agreements: All carriers sign Service Level Agreements to ensure they meet our customers’ high standards.
  • Performance Monitoring: Carriers with service issues are put on a 30-day right-to-cure period, during which their performance is closely monitored. If improvements are not made, a replacement carrier is assigned.
  • Incident Management: We maintain an incident database that logs all carrier at-fault incidents, which are escalated to the carrier’s executives. Corrective Action Requests are required for any major or recurring issues.

By choosing KAG Logistics, you benefit from our dedication to safety, cost-efficiency, and accountability, ensuring your transportation needs are met with the highest standards.

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